After completing their Open Water Course, many divers are uncertain about what their next steps should be to help them continue to expand their skills. In addition to getting into the water as frequently as possible, Advanced courses can help you gain knowledge and experience in different dive specialties.
Advanced Adventurer
Not sure which specialties to choose? Then the Advanced Adventurer offers a way to try out 5 different specialties to see which ones interest you the most. In addition to the 2 core specialties of Deep Diving and Underwater Navigation, you can choose 3 specialties from a list including such things as Nitrox, Wreck Diving, Night Diving, among others. You'll complete a total of 5 dives, one for each specialty, and afterwards you can apply any of those dives towards certification in any full specialty that you may choose to pursue.
Duration and Schedule
2.5 Days to Complete
Example: Start Thursday PM-Finish Sunday
What to Expect
What Is Included:
What You'll Need
Day 1: Academic Review
Day 2: Open Water Dives 1, 2 & 3
Day 3: Open Water Dives 4 & 5 advanced open water
You don't have to be "Advanced" to take Advanced Scuba Courses. You can start right after your Open Water Course or at any time, because these courses will expand your diving skill sets.
Advanced Open Water
If you are ready to choose 4 full diving specialties and earn your Advanced Open Water Certification, then this is the program for you. Choose any 4 specialties, which can include 1 non-diving specialty such as Nitrox, and once you have completed a total of 25 logged dives you will be eligible to receive your AOW rating.
What to Expect
What Is Included:
What You'll Need
Course Structure Varies Depending on Chosen Courses
The Advanced Open Water Program is designed to make truly advanced divers. It does this by teaching 4 full specialties, as well as having a minimum of 25 logged dives in order to earn the certification.